Farmageddon WhitePaper

The Farmageddon platform is a one-stop shop for all things yield farming. For some of us, yield farming can be complicated, confusing and even risky. Maximize profits with our safe, simple, automated platform.


Our automated platform will simplify yield farming from start to finish.

The Problem

If you’re new to farming, you will find that you have a plethora of apps or sites to choose for where you will start. Once you’ve decided which app to use, there are an even greater number of farms from which to choose. Then, you need to ensure you stake the correct LP token - involving swapping one coin or to-ken for another. How can you maximize your rewards even more? Confused yet? You’re not alone. Maybe you’re already a bit of an expert. Great! Farmageddon has everything you need to make things even easier.


On Farmageddon, choose from an array of farms. With our clean, simple layout, easily find and select the farm you feel best fits what you’re looking for. Just choose the amount of FG tokens you want to stake. We will swap, convert, purchase and stake everything for you. As an added perk, Farmageddon will automatically compound your tokens for you so you can sit back and enjoy the maximized ROI. No need to manually Harvest and collect.

Holder Benefits

Holders of FG Token will not only gain reflections di-rectly from any transaction, but the ever growing LP from the FG/BNB pool will help gain stability and con-stant growth. As well as be eligible for any VIP pro-grams, and reflection projects.

Farmageddon Methods

  • Farm wallet Collects tokens from taxes

  • Active farms gain Rewards

  • Rewards and collected tokens from taxes used to increase Liquidity of Farmageddon Assets

  • Farm assets used for marketing and development

  • Remaining Tokens and Collected tokens from DAPS and other sources used for Burns and holder benefit programs and Giveaways.

Token Addresses

  • Farmageddon ( FG )

    • 0xd51237a6f3219d186f0c8d8dd957b1bcb3ce5d48

  • Fertilizer ( FRT )

    • 0xd51237a6f3219d186f0c8d8dd957b1bcb3ce5d48

Last updated