Farm/Pools Partner Guidelines

Description of how Pools/Farms will be controlled

Initial Setup for Pools/Farms

When pools are created for a new Partner, we will open a Farm for them. Usually Token/BNB.

The Pools will usually last between 3-4 weeks, Rewarding partner token.

Farm is a Long term setup following the guidelines below. Usually Token/BNB

  1. Stake FG - Earn Token - Pool

  2. Stake FRT - Earn Token - Pool

  3. Stake Token LP ( Token/BNB ) - Earn FRT - Farm

    1. A Multiplier of 1.5x will be set initially and will be adjusted as per below

Farm Multiplier Adjustments

  1. Initial Setup

    1. 1.5x Multiplier

  2. Approx 2 weeks before the end of the pool

    1. 1x Multiplier

  3. When Pool ends without any new Pool in the works

    1. 0.5x multiplier

  4. When no Pool is in the works after 1 week

    1. 0.25x multiplier

  5. If new Pool is created for Token

    1. 1.5x Multiplier

    2. Follow steps from 1 again

  6. Super Boost - paid with BNB on a PER WEEK basis

    1. Price on a per basis situation

    2. multiplier on a per basis situation

  7. Farms with low liquidity can and will be adjusted as per Development teams discretion.

    1. Farms with low staked quantity will be adjusted to a sustainable APR as needed.

Last updated